Middlesbrough Care Home Residents Host Fundraising Extravaganza For Red Nose Day
Residents at Nunthorpe Oaks Care Home in Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, supported Comic Relief last week by opening their doors to the local community and hosting a number of fundraising activities for Red Nose Day.
In the lead up to the event, local people were asked to donate tins of beans for one of the main events of the day, where maintenance team member Wendy Simmons was sponsored to sit in a bath tub full of baked beans. Having been nominated by the residents for this stunt due to her particular toughness, Wendy was a great sport and immersed herself in the beany mix all in aid of Comic Relief and the care home residents.
The home threw open its doors for the day, welcoming members of the local community to enjoy the many fundraising activities that residents and staff had put on. Decked out in their Red Nose Day gear, residents manned cake stalls and sold delicious treats that had been prepared by the kitchen staff. The care home also hosted a raffle and sold red noses on the fun-filled day.
The money raised on the day was split between the resident’s fund, which will help support the activities hosted by the care home, and Red Nose Day fund.
Jenny Stubbs, Home Manager at Nunthorpe Oaks, said:
“It was great to see the residents getting so involved in all of the fundraising activities, supporting Comic Relief and having lots of fun at the same time. It was an unforgettable day and we had a brilliant time raising money for such a wonderful cause!”