Mayor Hails

Mayor Hails New Care Home As ‘Latest Jewel In Chichester’s Crown’

Mayor-HailsA NEW £11 million care home has been hailed as “the latest jewel in Chichester’s crown.”

Chichester Mayor, Cllr Peter Budge, was speaking at the official opening of Colten Care’s Wellington Grange.

“But the one thing that draws us all together is our belief that Chichester is the best place to live. Anything new to our city must enhance that view.

“I am sure that Colten Care’s Wellington Grange will do exactly that and I declare the latest jewel in Chichester’s crown officially open.”

Wellington Grange is the family-owned company’s 20th home and its first in Sussex.

The 72-bedroom home, by the corner of Broyle Road and Wellington Road, provides residential, nursing and respite care services. It will create up to 120 jobs when it reaches full occupancy.

Facilities at Wellington Grange include an in-house cinema, hairdressing salon, spa room, Brandy Hole library, Royal Sussex Dining Room and Sandpiper Bistro.

The home’s first resident, Pat Carter, 94, was among the audience at the official opening.

Earlier Mark Aitchison, Colten Care’s Chief Executive, described Wellington Grange’s facilities as “outstanding.”

He highlighted the attention paid to reflecting Chichester and the surrounding area with the home featuring more than 500 pictures and paintings, many showing local scenes.

“We have tried to capture some of Chichester’s rich history and heritage and, judging by the early feedback, this has been successfully achieved,” Mr Aitchison said.

Stressing Colten Care’s commitment to its residents, he added: “We know what good care looks like and we know how to deliver it.”

Clare Gibson, Home Manager, said the official opening was “a very special and significant day.”

She added: “The team at Wellington Grange are committed to delivering high quality consistent care to our residents and offering a warm welcome to their families and friends.”

A public open day is held on Wednesday April 13 from 11.30am when the guest of honour will be TV health presenter and author Dr Hilary Jones.