Care HomesHighlightsNews

Local Carer Celebrates 15 Years of Service with Bushey House Beaumont

A Carer at Bushey House Beaumont in Bushey has received a prestigious 15 Year Service Award in celebration of working at Barchester Healthcare for 15 years.

Jennifer Ramos now Carer started at Barchester in January 2007 and has worked with residents and their relatives to ensure that their needs have been met over the years.

Jane McFarlane, Employee Services Director at Barchester said: “I’m always pleased to hear stories about the long service of Barchester staff and am delighted Jennifer has achieved this milestone. It is dedication like this that ensures our residents are provided with a happy place to live.”

Blanca Novis General Manager of Barchester’s Bushey House said: “We’re delighted to be celebrating 15 years of loyal service with Jennifer. She has demonstrated her dedication and loyalty to this home and its residents year after year. I speak for all of us here at Bushey House when I say that I’m looking forward to many more years of working with Jennifer!