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Local Care Home Presents Cheque To Local Homeless Charity

Hazel Lodge care home in Battle recently presented East Sussex charity, Warming up the Homeless with a cheque for £314.14 which was raised by the home from their Summer Fete which held at the end of July.

Warming up the Homeless is an award winning, registered frontline charity, supporting homeless people on the South East Cost from Hastings to Eastbourne and surrounding areas. The charity has been operating since 2015, providing daily outreach support, food banks and welfare advocacy. The rate of homelessness has increased exponentially, exacerbated further by the current cost of living crisis; affecting visible rough sleepers and more invisible homeless, such as sofa surfers and those without a fixed tenancy agreement.

The care home invited Ann from the local charity to the home to receive the cheque, which was presented by resident Stewart and Sonia who is part of the Hazel Lodge Activities team.

Caroline Pulleyn, General Manager at Hazel Lodge, said: “We are always keen to show as much support as we can to local charities. It is so sad to see so many people locally struggling to pay their bills and to keep their home and it’s frightening how someone’s circumstances can change so quickly”.







