
Local Care Home Hosts Big Bash To Celebrate Residents 102nd Birthday

Centenarian-Elsie-Hall-turned-102Mayor, Local MP and Members of the Community All Attend Special Party

Centenarian Elsie Hall turned 102 on Sunday and attended a big birthday bash organised by her care home so that residents, family, friends and members of the local community could help her celebrate the occasion.

The party took place at the Beeches care home in Stockton-on-Tees where Elsie was joined by special guests Mayor Councillor Barbara Inman and local MP Alex Cunningham.

The event began with a round of prize bingo, followed by a three-course Sunday roast. The Beeches also invited professional vocalist Liza Candara, who gave a dazzling performance to entertain the party guests.

Mayor Barbara Inman and Mr Cunningham later led everyone in a toast to Elsie, before she was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a home-made cake.

Liz Jones, Customer Relations Officer at Hill Care said: “We were delighted that we could hold such a wonderful party for Elsie, who is a well-loved resident at The Beeches.

“There was an incredible atmosphere throughout the day and it was great to see everyone really enjoying themselves.

“102 years is an incredible milestone and we were glad that so many people were able to join us in raising a glass to Elsie!”







