LGA Responds to New Community Funding to Encourage Vaccine Take-Up
Responding to the Government’s £22.5 million funding announcement to help areas with low vaccine uptake encourage hard to reach people to come forward, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:
“Councils continue to do all they can to keep their communities safe, while encouraging everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated and this extra funding will be helpful in persuading more people to come forward.
“Rising Omicron cases mean that COVID-19 remains a serious public health threat and it is vital we all continue to do everything possible to protect ourselves and each other over the Christmas period.
“Councils know their communities best and play an essential role in working to reach people and groups who might be hesitant or least likely to come forward for a vaccine.
“Getting our booster jabs will help minimise the spread, keep us on course for as close-to-normal Christmas as possible and prevent the NHS from coming under unsustainable pressure.
“Directors of Public Health, working in councils, also need the necessary support, long-term resources and proper joint planning and agreement in advance of what is needed, to respond effectively to local outbreaks, ramp up local contract tracing efforts and increase vaccination uptake.”