NewsSocial Care

LGA Responds To NAO Report On The Adult Social Care Market

Responding to a National Audit Office report on the funding, accountability and oversight arrangements for the adult social care market, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“As the NAO recognises, short-term funding and ongoing uncertainty has made it difficult for councils, which are already facing significant financial pressures, to plan for care and support services in the long-term.

“Extra funding to help meet the continuing social care costs of COVID-19, particularly on the care workforce and unpaid carers, is needed alongside investment to tackle the funding gap between what providers say is the cost of care and what councils pay.

“On proposals for oversight of councils’ social care responsibilities, it is important that we build on the existing sector-led improvement work, recognise the role of local democratic accountability, and give a meaningful voice to people who draw on, and work in, social care.

“The Government should urgently bring forward its proposals on the future of adult social care, including a timetable for reform, as soon as possible and before the summer parliamentary recess.”







