It Was Back To School For Care Home Residents
The residents and staff at Elm Bank care home in Kettering were delighted in attending the local St Thomas More School to celebrate International Day of Education.
International Day of Education was warmly embraced by the residents, as they returned to class for the morning. The lesson attended was held with the children of Year Four, and the lesson taking place was maths. It was wonderful to see the children working away and for the residents it was a time to look back on their own childhood school years and they were surprised at how much things have changed since they were last in a classroom.
It was also launch of ‘International Jubilee Day’ at the school, the Jubilee is a tradition that dates back to 1300 and typically takes place every 25 to 50 year. On December 24th 2024, Pope Francis opened the Holy door of St. Peters Basilica in Rome. The residents enjoyed taking part in creating their hopes and wishes along with the pupils to place in the jar of hope. The Jubilee year will run until the Feast of Epiphany in 2026.
Resident Charles said,
“It was great, to be back in class, things have changed so much since we were in school, the kids were great.”
Resident Norman said,
“It was great, I really enjoyed that, the kids are very smart, it was a fun morning, very interesting.”
Tina, Activities Co-ordinator said,
“It was lovely that the local school opened their doors to us to let us enjoy celebrating International Day of Education. It was great to see the interaction between the residents and the children. It means so much to the residents, it allows for the young and the old to mix and the wonderful experiences are shared. Resident Norman was teacher, it was great to see him with the children and the children enjoyed listening to both of the residents as they spoke of their time. It is crucial to create links with our local schools and within the community to continue for our residents to remain a part of the community.”