Products & Services

Improving the Safety and Reliability of Mouth Care for Vulnerable People

As the UK’s population continues to grow there has been a shift in the age structure towards later ages meaning we have an ageing population. While growing older does not necessarily equate with increased morbidity and dependency, ageing is often associated with increased needs for care and support. This include mouth care!

Studies show that as we age many people are retaining more of their own natural teeth. Whilst this is, ‘a good thing’ the mouth care needs of people receiving care and support is now more complex and changeable with increasing dependency levels. Good oral health and general health are closely linked, and, poor oral health can have severe consequences on the general health of vulnerable people. For example, the relationship between advanced gum disease and cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and obesity are an undisputed fact. Mental health disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease also affect the oral health of older people.

Removing barriers to good mouth care:

With age, the level of dependency of older people tends to increase. Highly dependent older people, whether they are at home or living in a care setting, may not be mobile enough to visit a dentist. We need a care system that provides support for improving the safety and delivery of ‘good mouth care’ on a ‘daily basis’ as well as access to dental services. Maintaining good mouth care is a fundamental factor for improving quality of life when in a care setting since many oral conditions are chronic in nature, cumulative over time, and socially patterned.

Reducing harm and delivering safe, effective and reliable mouth care:

As people are retaining their natural teeth, care providers face an increased need and demand for the delivery of good mouth care on a daily basis. They need to ensure that staff have access to the ‘right tools’ in order to do the ‘right job’ to deliver safe , reliable and effective mouth care every time first time. They need to provide training and education to the whole workforce, at all levels, to meet the increasing needs of the elderly, whilst understanding that age-associated changes in systemic health and medication use can impact oral health and function.

At Oral Care Innovations we concentrate on what we know best. We work closely with health and care professionals nationally to develop new innovative mouth care products that meet the needs of our residents and patients. But that’s not where it ends. We share best practice and support care providers to develop a ‘Mouth Care Policy’ with bespoke training and resources that provides staff with the ‘right skills’ to carry out safe, reliable and effective mouth care every time.

Effective mouthcare helps to maintain health, wellbeing and dignity, and contributes to quality of life. It is particularly important that vulnerable older people receive additional help to look after their mouth and keep it clean.

It is essential that all care staff are suitably trained and skilled to provide good mouthcare. Training and skill development should take place at induction and throughout their working career. Ensuring staff have the right product, to do the right job to reduce risk factors by delivering good mouth care every time is key in delivering good care.

Safe, Effective And Reliable Mouth Care Products

Discover the wide range of MC mouth care products to deliver safe, reliable and effective mouth care with confidence. Our products were developed following a medical safety alert from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency which involved the use of foam mouth swabs. Over 800 patient safety incidents have been reported by The National Patient Safety Agency, where the foam headed products either become detached or pieces of the foam head were torn off and retained or lodged in the mouth. Foam mouth swabs have been banned across Wales and many Healthcare Trusts across the UK. Discover our safe, reliable and effective mouth care resources.

The Mc3 can help prevent the risk factors associated with Community Associated Pneumonia and other systemic diseases. Mc3 is a safe replacement for all sponge mouth swabs. The cone shaped head and soft round filaments soothe the tongue and soft tissues when cleansing the inside of the mouth.

The Mc3S suction can help prevent the risk factors associated with Community Associated Pneumonia for people who have an impaired swallow and require suctioning. The cone shaped head and soft round filaments cleansing the inside of the mouth whilst removing sticky secretions and saliva via suctioning. The finger hold manages and controls the degree of suction by increasing and reducing flow. The unique addition of a soft ‘blade’ enables stubborn caked secretions to be removed safely and effectively.

The Mc4 can reduce bacterial build up, food debris, fungi and dead cells from the surface of the tongue that are related to many common oral and general health problems. Designed with a soft and tactile ridged head that gently scrapes the surface of the tongue to remove dead cells and bacteria build up safely

The Mc6 can be used to moisten the lips, tongue and soft tissues inside the mouth. With a slow flow of water from two drip holes, a gentle compression against the lips or inside the mouth is enough to provide a slow controlled flow of liquid to the mouth safely. This reduces the risk of choking.

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Telephone: +44 (0) 1492 701277