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“Have Fun, Stay Active & Keep Young At Heart” Secret To A Long Life For Resident At Norwich Home

A resident at a Norwich home celebrated his 100th birthday and says his secret to a long life is to have fun, stay active & keep young at heart”

Charles ‘Bill’ Capp lives at MHA Cromwell House and was treated to a birthday party to celebrate his landmark.

He was accompanied by his daughter, grandchildren and great grandchildren with a buffet tea provided and included his favourite chicken drumsticks.

Bill’s wife, Pauline who he met and married whilst living at MHA Cromwell House was also present.

An Elvis tribute act was arranged as both Bill and Pauline are huge fans of the King of Rock and Roll.

Bill also received a telegram from King Charles III.

Speaking after the party Angie Apurado, activity coordinator said: “Bill had a great day and was overwhelmed with the occasion.

“He said he never expected anyone to make such a fuss for him and knew about his birthday but wasn’t aware of the party and everything else.

“It was a great day for all at the home. We had such a great time celebrating Bill’s birthday and everyone was very happy.

“I asked him what’s his secret to a long life and his initial response was quite funny as he loves to joke around so he answered, “breathe!”, but then said “have fun, stay active & keep young at heart.

“Bill is such a charmer and a very popular resident, he is a huge fan of Peterborough United and I hope to arrange a trip to see them play for him.”







