AgeingBirthdaysCareCare HomesCare ResidentsNews

Great Yarmouth Centenarian Elsie’s 100 Birthday Cards Request Exceeds All Expectations

When a call was put out to send 100 birthday cards to a Great Yarmouth care home resident for her 100th birthday, little did she expect such a huge response.

Elsie Smith, who lives at Black Swan Care Group’s Park House care home on Alexandra Road in Great Yarmouth celebrated her 100th birthday on Christmas Eve and the team at the home sent out a call for people to send cards to help her celebrate her special day. As the final count concluded, the final number was a massive 312!

Cards arrived at the home from London, Scotland and even Oklahoma in the United States of America. There was also of course a card from the King and Queen, plus special cards from local schoolchildren and the Mayor of Great Yarmouth, who is planning to visit in person in the New Year.

Elsie spent the day itself celebrating with her close family and friends, and when she returned to the home, she enjoyed opening and reading all 312 cards with her friends and staff at the home.

Home Manager Maria Prodan said: “On behalf of Elsie, her family, and all of us here at Park House, we would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who took the time and effort to send Elsie a birthday wish. After 3 days of celebrations and reading all the lovely messages from friends, family and the local and wider community, Elsie has thoroughly enjoyed herself. All that’s left for us to say is “Happy 100th Birthday Elsie” and cheers to a century of knowledge, wisdom and life that you possess.”







