
Golf Day Raises Funds For Disability Sports With Support From Lawrie Mcmenemy

GolfSouthampton O.T.A.R.S, part of Southampton City Council Day Services put on their 8th annual Golf Day with the support of ex Southampton Football Club Manager and Special Olympics GB President Lawrie McMenemy, raising £4,035 to support local athletes with learning disabilities to participate in sport.

Southampton Oaklands Team & Recreational Sports (O.T.A.R.S), working in partnership with Southampton City Council Day Services, is a club designed to support adults with learning disabilities to increase their access and use of sporting activities within the local community.

As an active member of the British Special Olympics programme, Southampton O.T.A.R.S currently offer a dozen different sports to those with disabilities, as well as training for the Special Olympics currently being offered in Skiing, Badminton and Athletics.

Held at Boundary Lakes Golf Course at the Ageas Bowl, the Golf Day was attended by Councillor Hannah Coombs, who works closely with the Southampton Learning Disability Partnership Board.

The teams of four played 18 holes around the course, including Beat the Pro, Longest Drive and Nearest the Pin. Lawrie McMenemy then presented the awards to the winners, before continuing with presenting the raffle and auction.

The monies raised from the Golf Day will go towards supporting disabled athletes from Southampton to participate in a sport and get to competitions locally or internationally, including the Winter Games for Skiing in January 2020 and the Plymouth Games for Badminton in 2020.

Councillor Lorna Fielker, Cabinet member for Adult Care, said “Our aim at Southampton City Council Day Services in partnership with Southampton O.T.A.R.S is to increase access and use of sporting activities for those with learning disabilities in the local community. To enable local disabled athletes to participate within a sport or get to a competition further afield, Southampton O.T.A.R.S rely on fundraising to help the athletes pay towards their fees, transport, kit and some sporting sessions. It is great to see the local community coming together to raise funds for a worthwhile cause that can really help those who participate in the sports programme to gain confidence and make friends, all whilst keeping fit.”