
Dementia UK Calling Out For 1,200 People To Take Part In Game-Changing Fundraising

Dementia UK’s fundraising event Raise Your Game is back again for more rolls of the dice, whilst aiming for a record number of fundraisers for more life-changing support from dementia specialist Admiral Nurses. The event last year saw family-filled days of boardgame high jinks as well as wind downs with colleagues at the card table. The charity hopes to bring on board 1,200 fundraisers who are game this year. Raise Your Game will be running from October, but participants can host an event whenever they like.

Admiral Nurses are here when people need help. They have the time to listen and the knowledge to solve problems, and are a lifeline for families facing dementia.

During a year of lockdown, gaming aficionados will have perfected their poker faces and will be looking to prove their mettle in the charity’s fundraiser. There are a number of events which families and people can get involved with – one of Dementia UK’s fundraisers last year took part in a 24-hour board game marathon, with another winner’s streak of enthusiasm and friendly competition expected amongst fundraisers for this year.

Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO of Dementia UK Hilda Hayo said, “People with dementia can sometimes have difficulty concentrating on things they used to enjoy, such as reading or watching TV. Board games, especially ones they used to play, are a great way to help them have fun and communicate with people around them.

“I’m delighted to see so many game-changers taking part in our second ever Raise your Game event. Every dice thrown, counter placed and card played is helping to ensure our Admiral Nurses can reach more people facing challenging times.”

If you would like to find out more about taking part in Raise Your Game for Dementia UK, please get in touch by emailing or calling 020 8036 5475.

Dementia UK has put together a resource on cognitive stimulation therapy, with board games falling under this. There is evidence to show that people with dementia who take part in word or puzzle games typically show improvement across the areas of memory, thinking, reasoning, attention, organising and planning:







