
Dementia-Friendly Painting Session Honours Silver Sunday

On Monday 07 October Caremark (Bromley), a local home care provider, held a dementia-friendly painting session in honour of Silver Sunday – a special day in the national calendar celebrating older people.

The event, attended by clients with dementia and learning difficulties, was led by local artist Mudrika Gupta at the Saxon Day Centre in Orpington. Caremark’s staff were on hand to assist participants with their paintings where needed.

Care and support worker, Nic Dalton, who accompanied her client, John Hill, to the event said: “It was a lovely session. John really enjoyed himself and was extremely proud to show off his paintings and his pen!”

Laura Merryweather and Shannon Grover, members of Caremark (Bromley)’s training and recruitment team, organised the event to give clients an opportunity to socialise.

“We try to arrange activities on a regular basis for our clients’ mental stimulation and to give them a chance to get out and about”, explained Laura. “Silver Sunday is a special day that is close to our heart because of the parallels with our client base and we were very pleased to support it.”

Ian Cogswell, son of Caremark client Edna Cogswell, passed on his appreciation: “I’m so grateful to Caremark for organising the session. We’ve found it difficult to get Mum out to group activities, but she was extremely enthusiastic afterwards and said that she would love to do it again.”