
Cygnet Health Care Opens New Mental Health Hospital For Women

Cygnet Nield House in Crewe, a new purpose-built facility offering specialist mental health services for women, has been officially opened by Cygnet Health Care.

The new service responds to a growing demand for specialist mental health care dedicated to female health, and Cygnet Nield House is among only a few of its kind in the country to offer specialist holistic support for women with complex personality disorders with a co-morbid diagnosis of disordered eating.

Providing specialist treatment for women aged 18 and over, Cygnet Nield House will offer 30 beds across two wards, Clarion Ward and Compton Ward. Facilities at Nield House include an internet café, beauty salon, communal gardens, and dedicated space for families to meet and to be closely involved in the care of service users.

It will also provide up to 70 jobs locally.

Research shows that depression co-occurs in around 94% of women with an eating disorder, and anxiety and substance abuse are also much higher in individuals affected by eating disorders. Recognising and treating these co-morbidities together significantly improves outcomes for disordered eating.

Hospital director Masimba Kamba said: “The specialist support we offer means that women with a dual diagnosis of personality disorder and co-occurring eating disorder are able to have both conditions treated simultaneously in an environment where they feel safe.

“We are all excited that Cygnet has invested in this specialist hospital. The ethos of our service is about assessing and treating service users in the least restrictive environment and helping them manage their mental health so they can prepare for independent life back in the community.”

After touring the new wards and meeting staff, Cllr Benn Minshall, the Mayor of Crewe who opened the hospital on Wednesday (16 September), said: “Mental health has been a taboo subject for some time and places like Nield House help to destigmatise that. We all know somebody who has been affected by mental health and to know that access to these facilities is on the increase that gives me hope. Congratulations to the team on opening such an incredible facility.”

In the UK, approximately 1.25 million people are affected by an eating disorder and 75% of those affected are women and girls. While eating disorders are becoming increasingly common among young people in the UK, there are frequently long waiting times for children and young people to get treatment.













