
CQC Publish New Information On Hidden Cameras In Care Homes

There is a degree of inevitably about cameras in care settings so five tests set out by union should be applied says GMB

GMB, the union for staff in care homes, commented on the publication on 12th February by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of information to help people make appropriate decisions on the use of hidden cameras to monitor someone’s care. See notes to editors for copy of press release from CQC dated 12 Feb 2015.
Justin Bowden, GMB National Officer for care sector, said “Cameras are not the answer to the crisis in the care sector, more money is. As things are now care is a minimum wage or just above sector. Society seems to value those working and caring for our most vulnerable and elderly less highly than those stacking shelves at any major supermarket. That just cannot be right.

We recognises there is a degree of inevitably about cameras in care home resident’s rooms, and private individuals’ homes but GMB say there should be five tests applied first:

1. What would be the purpose of each camera being introduced?
2. Has the prior consent and views of the residents been obtained?
3. How is the system regulated?
4. Who will have access to the footage and when? How will it be kept secure?
5. Could the money be better spent elsewhere?”







