Coventry Care Home Couple Celebrate 70th Wedding Anniversary
Mr and Mrs Stage who live together at HC One’s Victoria Manor care home, celebrated a fantastic 70 years of wedded bliss today!
Colleagues at the Coventry care home wanted to make sure that the couple were able to celebrate this day together as best as they could, even though family could not be with them at this time.
Family members sent gifts and cards to the home for the happy couple. Staff also set up and decorated a room just for Mr and Mrs Stage. There was banners and balloons placed around the room and a romantic meal for two was served.
As they dined with their ultimate favourite of fish, chips and mushy peas from the local chippy, music played in the background as they each sipped a glass of cold beer too.
A beautiful chocolate cake and some lovely personalised cupcakes from the family were presented to the couple afterwards. It was a lovely afternoon and both were so pleased at all the efforts from family and Colleagues at the home.
The couple said “We cannot believe we have been together this long, it only feels like yesterday! Thank-you for helping us celebrate it together.”
Colleagues at the home commented “It was so sweet to see how much they still love each other, and how special they both felt. To see them smile was so magical!”