
Consultation Open On New Social Care Topics For NICE

Social Care for NICESafeguarding in care homes, adoption in looked after children and young people, and support for carers are among social care topics being considered for new NICE guidance and quality standards.

Stakeholders are now being invited to provide feedback on a set of proposed topics and suggest additional topics that have not been considered

Safeguarding in care homes

People in care homes are particularly vulnerable to poor treatment or neglect. This has been highlighted by recent revelations of abuses in care homes, such as the Winterbourne View scandal, which have led to widespread concerns over the quality and consistency of care.

Proposed guidance on safeguarding in care homes would aim to cover avoiding safeguarding issues, and how to identify and address them.

Adoption in looked-after children and young people

Looked-after children who are adopted can have very different experiences to those who are looked after by a local authority. Many may be looked after for only a short period of time, and adoption placements can challenge both adoptive parents and children both early and late on in placements.

The proposed guidance would aim to cover introducing children to the idea of adoption, preparing adoptive parents for the process, matching children with prospective parents, and support for new and longer standing adoptive placements.

Support for carers and young carers

Carers often need support that differs to that given to service users. Young carers also face particular challenges such as educational needs ensuring their educational needs are met. The recent Care Act recognised the needs of carers by including a section on the assessment of a carer’s need for support.

Proposed NICE guidance on support for carers and young carers would aim to help local authorities and CCGs identify and respond to the needs of carers and young carers, and offer effective ways to support them.

The full list of proposed topics is:

  • Adoption in looked-after children and young people
  • Assessment and care and support planning in adults
  • Care and support for people with an acquired physical impairment
  • Disabilities and complex needs in adults, children and young people
  • Fostering in looked-after children and young people
  • Maintaining independent living and preventing isolation in adults
  • Nutrition in care homes
  • Personal and intimate care in adults
  • Safeguarding in care homes
  • Short-term breaks (respite care) for people with social care needs and their carers
  • Support for carers and young carers
  • Support for adults, children and young people with sensory disabilities
  • Support for young parents in the community
  • Support in leaving care for looked-after children and young people
  • Supporting sexual identity in adults with social care needs
  • Supporting children in care homes: sexual orientation and preventing sexual exploitation
  • Supportive approaches and physical environments in care homes
  • Supportive approaches and physical environments in children’s homes

Following the consultation period, NICE will analyse all the stakeholder responses. Amendments will then be jointly agreed by the Department of Health, the Department for Education and NICE. A final list of topics will then be presented to ministers to be signed off and formally referred to NICE.

The consultation closes on Friday 9 October 2015. For full details, and to take part in the consultation, visit







