Comprehensive Spending For Adult Social Care
Care England has submitted evidence to HMT’s latest Comprehensive Spending Review.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“During these unprecedented times, it is of paramount importance to keep on alerting the Government of the plethora of issues affecting the adult social care sector. Care England’s submission seeks to highlight the immediate COVID-19 related issues, but also, those longer-term structural issues which afflict the sustainability of the sector. In light of the sector’s contribution during the COVID-19 pandemic, Government must support and be responsive to the needs of the sector. For too long, Governments of all stripes have merely pushed social care reform into the long grass.”
With COVID-19 cases rising again, the submission makes the case for renewed support for the sector, to ensure that it is safeguarded from the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, issues cited, include:
- COVID-19 related costs e.g. Declining occupancy levels
- Long term funding gaps e.g. Inadequate local authority fee rates
- Health related issues e.g. Testing issues
- Workforce issues e.g. Staff wellbeing and resilience
- Data infrastructure and funding in the adult social care sector.
The submission also makes the case for longer term reform for the sector and the need for a more sustainable system to be put in place.
Professor Green continues:
“Care England hopes that the Government heeds the calls of the sector. This is fundamental not only for those who receive support or care, but also for the future development of England’s economy and society.”