
Co4CC – Coaltion For Collaborative Care

Coalition-Collaborative-CareThe Coalition for Collaborative Care (Co4CC) have launched their vision for coordinated, personalised care for people living with Long Term Conditions.

The National Care Forum (NCF) and Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) welcome today’s launch of the Coalition for Collaborative Care (Co4CC) and their vision for person-centred, coordinated care and support.

TLAP will work closely with the Coalition, which brings together a number of major health organisations and charities, to strengthen the message and reality of personalisation in the NHS for people living with long term conditions.

ADASS president David Pearson, who co-chairs the TLAP Board, said: 

“In the future, the work of this Coalition has the potential to transform lives and make a huge difference to millions of people living in this country. It’s absolutely right to focus our collective efforts across health and care to get the best outcomes for people and families regardless of their health condition or care and support needs. By linking with the Think Local Act Personal Partnership, we will ensure the Coalition builds on what we have learnt in implementing personalisation in social care.”

TLAP’s Director Sam Bennett said:

“TLAP has worked hard to extend its influence in the NHS because we recognise the whole heath and care system needs to change so people, carers and families have more control and can live more independently. We welcome Co4CC’s arrival and will forge a strong partnership to align our respective goals and practically deliver on our shared ambitions.”







