
Cheltenham Care Home Judged One Of The Best In Gloucestershire

externalThe Quality Assessment Framework report carried out by Gloucestershire County Council’s Adult Social Care team in July 2014 has passed Oakhaven Residential Care Home with flying colours.

Ten key factors were assessed as Areas of Good Practice and worthy of comment the by Reviewing Officer for Gloucester County Council. These were: Care Planning, Dignity, End of Life Care, Activities, Quality Assurance, Mental Capacity Assessments, Dementia Care Planning, Observation of Staff Competency, Menu Planning and Display, and Resident Involvement.

The Officer said, “The Oakhaven team can be very proud of the number of areas of good practice demonstrated during the assessment. Normally we request an action plan to implement service delivery improvements. Oakhaven’s standard was such that this was unnecessary. They are one of the better care homes in the county.”

The Quality Assessment Framework is a regulatory requirement requiring all contracted care providers to undergo an annual local authority review of their service.

Oakhaven has been owned and run by the same family for 30 years and has demonstrated investment in maintaining its quality throughout that time, consistently receiving the highest Care Quality Commission accreditation. The QAF noted that staffing ratio is higher than average and training takes place not just for mandatory areas, for example, staff have received training in end of life care, person centred care and dementia amongst others.

Owner Ralph Holland said, “We believe that it is our attention to detail that makes us special, and that is certainly what we are told by residents, their families as well as doctors and the other professionals we deal with. However receiving such a fantastic report has bowled us over. We take a lot of pride in what we do but seeing so many areas of good practice detailed in black and white really brings it home.”

