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Centenarian Flooded With Cards And Gifts After ‘106 Cards For 106th Birthday’ Request On Social Media

A centenarian who celebrated her 106th birthday this month has received more than 400 birthday cards from well-wishers across the Stockport community and beyond after staff at her care home reached out on social media.

Mary Spiers, who lives at Bowerfield Court Care Home in Disley, celebrated this incredible milestone birthday on August 18th – and was flooded with cards and birthday wishes after people responded to a request on social media.

The lifelong Man City fan also received a personalised video message recorded by player Jack Grealish wishing her a Happy Birthday and a signed T-shirt by all the players. She also received birthday cards from His Majesty the King, and from Parliament.

Staff at the care home posted a Facebook message in the run up to Mary’s special day asking for help from the community in celebrating this amazing moment, encouraging people to send in a birthday card with the aim of surprising Mary with 106 cards at her birthday party.

They were overwhelmed by the positive response with hundreds coming in in the week’s leading up to the event – well over their 106-card target – along with donations towards her party. Every kind message was read aloud to Mary, who was delighted by the outpouring of love for her birthday.

Genesi Carroll, Bowerfield Court’s Lifestyle Coordinator, who was behind the birthday card plan, said:
“Mary is a remarkable lady and we wanted to do something special to mark such an incredible milestone birthday. The whole community has come together to support the home in celebrating Mary. We had a cake donated by one of the local cake shops and also balloons from a balloon shop nearby.”

“Mary has been very excited to celebrate her special day surrounded by family and friends and been having lots of fun in the run up doing interviews for Manchester Evening News and radio stations. Every morning, she has asked the staff how many cards have been delivered, and every day there have been more.”

“This really has been the perfect way to celebrate Mary and share this momentous event with the wider community. All the cards, gifts, and good wishes have made her day, and everyone at Bowerfield has been touched and uplifted by the kindness people have shown.”







