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Care Providers Ready for Junior Doctor Strike

CARE providers are bracing themselves for industrial action by junior doctors from tomorrow until Saturday.

The Independent Care Group (ICG) says care providers are becoming well versed in putting contingency plans into operation for strikes.

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “Without getting into the politics, it would be helpful if these disputes could be resolved without strike action.

“We know that more funding needs to be put into both NHS healthcare and social care – not least to better recognise and reward social care staff who continue to go above and beyond without taking strike action. They deserve parity with their NHS colleagues.

“The last 18 months has seen disruption to medical services, including ambulances, nurses and now junior doctors. At the end of the day, regardless of the action, we have to ensure continuity of care and the welfare of those we look after.

“The ICG is available to its members for practical help and guidance during this time and is advising care providers on what to do during the coming days.

“That means working closely with our integrated care boards and local authority partners as well as local hospitals and community services.

“It also means making greater use of telemedicine services, where appropriate.”

The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is running a dedicated Incident Control Centre (ICC) over period and care providers are advised to contact the ICC in the event of a serious incident resulting in significant harm to residents or service users that relates to the industrial action so that intelligence can be gathered at ICB level. The number to call for Humber and North Yorkshire ICC is 0300 002 0007.