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Care Home Resident’s Pottery Displayed at The Art Place in Chelmsford

A resident at a care home in Feering near Colchester is exhibiting her hand made pottery at The Art Place in Chelmsford city centre.

Karen Halladay lives at the care home where Black Swan Care Group provides support for people with a physical or learning disability. With the help of potter and tutor Shaun Hall, Karen has been making and painting bowls, mugs and even animals in regular sessions.

Karen wanted to be able to promote some of her items, so Shaun approached the Art Place in Chelmsford, who agreed for her to put her items on display for sale. Anything that she sells will go to the British Heart Foundation Charity. Her work is on display until the end of May.

Potter Shaun Hall has been working at Drummonds since about 2001 when he was invited to work with some of the residents. He comes to the home every week, working with about 8-10 residents in group and one to one sessions.

When working with Karen, who is wheelchair bound and has limited movement in her hands, Shaun helps her using a hand-over-hand method, pressing clay into moulds or a framework or assisting her to roll the clay into balls or coils. Karen then uses a specially designed paint dibber to decorate the items.

Shaun explained: “Karen gets so much out of the activity. She loves making the bowls, she decorates tiles and has used the potter’s wheel. She had an operation last year and getting back into pottery has been really beneficial. As her pottery teacher of many years. I cannot tell you how proud I am of her and what it means to her after all she has been through in recent years. She has overcome so many challenges to reach this point.

“I do love going into Drummonds and working with the residents, there is always a thriving atmosphere! I’ve been privileged to work there for many years now and get to work with a lovely group of people – the main thing of course is that it is lots of fun!”

Helen Moore is Black Swan’s manager at Drummonds: “Shaun’s pottery group are amazing. Some of the work they produce is incredible and it’s always a really popular activity for the residents to enjoy. Karen’s work is inspirational and we’re so pleased that she’s been able to put them on display at the Art Place.”