
Care Home Open Day Grows In Popularity

This year’s Care Home Open Day event proved even more popular than ever, with more and more care homes signing up to take part across the world and more and more visitors turning up at care homes in their area.

With an extra 834 homes joining in for 2015, and creating a “Twitter Storm” across social media, over 4,000 care homes across the globe collectively opened their doors to welcome in visitors and create long-term connections with their local communities.

This year’s themes of The Arts & Valuing Staff, really engaged local people, residents, their friends and families, as well as many local schools and other organisations, and encouraged them to get involved and come up with some fantastic ways to be creative and showcase their dedicated staff, who provide great care day-in and day-out.

The day reinforces the fantastic work being done in care homes across the UK and helps to highlight that care homes are doing great things every day, not just one day of the year!

Next year’s date has been confirmed as Friday 17th June 2016 and we hope to see even more care homes taking part and more visitors joining in, making lasting connections with their local communities and lasting friendships as well.













