
Care England Hits Out At Delayed Transfers Of Care

Prof. Martin Green OBE

Care England, the largest representative body for independent care providers, has expressed frustration over the rise in delayed transfers of care figures stating that if properly engaged, the independent adult social care sector could help ensure people can be discharged from hospital safely and quickly.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says:

“Good engagement and realistic contracts backed by fair funding should be the key principles for the NHS’s working with providers of independent adult social care.  The potential is enormous, but care homes and homecare providers must be part of a system wide solution. A culture change is needed whereby we are seen as partners in identifying solutions and being part of early discussions across health and social care on how to ensure people do not stay in hospital too long. We can offer a wide range of community settings and care packages, but the NHS needs to talk to us about what we can provide”.

Evidence from the My Care My Home Discharge to Assess Service shows that the average stay of patients can be reduced significantly and thus the saving per patient.

Meeting the Needs of a 21st Century Society, Care England’s Manifesto for the Independent Care Sector. Click here to access Meeting the Needs of a 21st Century Society, Care England’s Manifesto for the Independent Care Sector.

Professor Martin Green OBE continues:

“Social care is a hot topic in this general election.  Now is the time to get it right in order that quality is not compromised”.







