Budget: Crunch Time-Says Care England
Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, has submitted evidence to the Chancellor’s Budget process urging him to act on the Prime Minister’s pledge to tackle the social care crisis within 100 days of his election.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says:
“The incumbent Government has until 22 March to act upon the Prime Minister’s pledge to tackle social care within 100 days of his election. The stabilisation of the adult social care sector should be the Government’s first priority, inaction is no longer viable. As a critical friend of the Government, Care England can help deliver the long term sustainability of the social care, and thus health, sector”.
Care England’s evidence hinges on the interrelationship between the NHS and social care. The crisis within the social care sector is fundamentally intertwined with the NHS’ future fortunes. Without addressing the issues prevalent within the social care system, there can be no lasting improvement to the NHS. By improving the parity between the NHS and social care sector, costs borne by the NHS and social care sector will be reduced and access to effective and timely care will be improved.
Care England calls upon the Government to seek greater parity by better equivalating current social care and NHS staff pay rates, whilst also investing in the training and upskilling of care staff, including independent sector nurses. Such steps will enable social care providers to better recruit and retain staff, but also help recognise the value of the work that social care staff do.
Martin Green continues:
“Ensuring the future sustainability of the social care sector is of vital importance to both society and the economy. Across England millions of individuals’ future well-being and economic stability is contingent upon ensuring the future sustainability of the social care sector.”