
Bramley Health Service Users Enjoy Birds Of Prey Visit

Bramley Health has held a birds of prey workshop for all its service users building on a successful event in 2016.

Staff across the centres felt they saw a fantastic level on engagement from service users and unanimously agreed they would like to see the workshop return.

During the latest workshop participants were taught how to handle the birds allowing them to land on their hands and feed them, giving the service users a unique insight into the art of falconry.

It also included a lesson in wildlife photography where service users were taught how to capture action and profile shots of the birds.

In addition to a falcon, barn owl and harris hawk, a ruppels griffon vulture, which is a critically endangered species and the UK’s largest bird of prey, a white-tailed eagle were on show.

James Phillips, Director of Residential & Nursing Care Services at Bramley Health, said: “The engagement with service users last year was tremendous and this year if anything it was even better.

“To see these beautiful birds close up and to be able to take photographs of them was a wonderful experience and one that our service users will never forget. There was a sense of awe at these magnificent birds and everyone thoroughly enjoyed learning about them, and handling them.

“Engaging with things outside of their normal routines can have a therapeutic and motivational outcome for individuals with learning difficulties or mental health conditions and we are always looking for innovative ways to do this.”