Bournemouth Care Home Celebrates Global Intergenerational Week With School Visit
School children visited residents in a Bournemouth care home to read books and enjoy afternoon tea.
Residents at Talbot View care home, on Ensbury Avenue, were thrilled to see secondary school pupils from Glenmoor and Winton Academies come in to talk about their favourite books. The schoolchildren also chatted about what they have been learning at school before rounding off the after-school session with tea and cake.
The Bournemouth-based care home organised the activity as part of Global Intergenerational Week, which took place from 24 to 30 April 2024. The national campaign promotes the benefits of older and younger people socialising together including boosting mental wellbeing and self-confidence, building bonds across communities, reducing ageism towards younger and older people, and forming friendships and social connections.
School pupil, Darisha, said:
“It was really nice to meet the residents. I loved it. If they would like us to visit again, I would like to come back to the care home.”
Sebastian Wiencelewski, Home Manager at Talbot View, said:
“It was lovely to hear the home filled with chatter between the care home residents and the schoolchildren, who were so excited to visit the home. Some great friendships have already been made as a result of this visit. At Care South, we regularly welcome children to our care homes as we are keen to foster connections between the different generations for the benefit of the residents in our care.”