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Birthday Celebrations At Lincoln Home As Resident Celebrates 104th Birthday

There were plenty of celebrations at a Lincoln home following the 104th birthday of a resident.

Elsie Smith lives at MHA Stones Place where a birthday meal with close family and residents was arranged for her.

Her son, Brian and daughter in law Jeanette came to attend the meal.

Elsie was born in Halifax and worked in the offices at Grattons warehouse.

She received plenty of flowers and gifts including a card from the Mayor of Lincoln Biff Bean who was invited by the home.

One of the dining rooms at the home, which provides residential care for 42 residents, was the venue for the birthday meal which was enjoyed by all.

Stacey Allen, activity coordinator said: “Elsie’s birthday was a great day and one that we were all happy to be a part of.

“Towards the end of the day she was tired, but she had a great time, and it was lovely to see her smiling throughout the day.

“In the morning we told her it was her birthday, and she was very happy.

“I invited the Mayor, and she was having a great time chatting away with him.

“I think seeing her family and celebrating her birthday at the home was the ideal way for her to celebrate the day,

“It was a proper team effort from the staff, especially those that work in the kitchen and the day couldn’t have gone any better.”













