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Berendsen Wins Best Sustainability Policy Award At First Ever LCN Awards

winsBerendsen has invested significantly in recent years in environmental practices to minimise its impact to the environment. Among the many water saving measures introduced, it has altered its washing procedures by introducing new systems that reduce rinse water volumes and invested in water recovery equipment.

These efforts have been complemented with a range of energy saving measures. This includes implementing equipment that recovers heat from our boilers’ exhaust gasses and uses the recovered heat back in the boiler, switching to LED energy-saving lighting, using efficient vehicles to cut emissions, and adopting environmentally responsible ways of disposing of detergents.

Through these measures, Berendsen has cut its water usage by 55.5% – which equates to more than one billion litres of water per year – and reduced its carbon footprint by 26.4%, which is equivalent to the emissions of 4,500 households. These impressive figures have been validated by the Carbon Trust, earning Berendsen the Carbon Trust Standard for Water and Carbon Trust Standard for Carbon Dioxide.

“We’re delighted to have our extensive sustainability practices recognised by the laundry industry. And to win an award at the first ever LCN Awards makes this extra special,” commented Paul Swift, Business Development Manager at Berendsen. “Minimising our impact on the environment is at the very core of who we are as a business. We’ve made great strides in recent years and will continue to ensure sustainable practices are an integral part of our future strategy and decisions.”