
Beavers Sing Christmas Carols At Runcorn Care Home

BevaersCAROL singing Beavers have been spreading the Christmas cheer by singing to elderly care home residents in Runcorn.

The group from 1st Weston Village Scout Group visited Simonsfield Care Home, on Boston Avenue.

They performed classic carols and shared mince pies with the residents.

They also chatted to them about their excitement for Christmas and the activities they do in the Beavers group.

Resident Audrey Leach, a former Scout leader, said: “I was delighted to meet the young Beavers and talk to them about my days as a Scout leader.”

Debbie Smith, home manager at Simonsfield Care Home, said: “It was so kind of the 1st Weston Village Scout Group Beavers to visit our residents this festive season.

“They sang carols beautifully and everyone thoroughly enjoyed chatting to them afterwards while tucking into mince pies.

“They really brought the festive cheer to the home and now everyone is so excited about Christmas.”







