
Ageing Better to Deliver New Campaign Against Age-Based Discrimination

The Centre for Ageing Better has launched its new strategy today, which includes a bold new public campaign to tackle ageism.

The campaign to tackle ageism will seek to overturn the deeply entrenched negative attitudes within society towards older people through a collective and nationwide approach.

Ageing Better will commit significant resource in the fight against the widespread use of derogatory and harmful stereotypes in the pursuit of a more positive and realistic understanding about later life across the country. The campaign is a key element of the Age-friendly Movement that will aim to make challenging ageism a much higher priority for everyone in society.

The organisation says it will work with the public, age-friendly communities, employers as well as other sector and industry partners to change the way people think, feel and act about ageing. It will help people at a local and national level to address the barriers that exist for older people by giving people the tools and guidance needed to take action.

The new strategy also focuses on activities to reduce the inequalities people experience as they grow older. Our organisation will strive to reduce the gap between the most and least advantaged people by improving outcomes for the least advantaged.

Carole Easton, Chief Executive of the Centre for Ageing Better, said:
“We are determined to build on the work we have already done and to go further to make a real difference to people’s experience of ageing, particularly people who are currently on course to struggle in old age.

“Through our work, we want to see more people in later life experiencing good health, treated fairly and with respect and able to experience financial security. These goals can be achieved if the enormity and severity of ageism is finally recognised and the resolve is found to challenge its existence within our society.”

The Age-friendly Movement and ageism campaign will combine with other key strands of activity: Age-friendly Homes and Age-friendly Employment. Together these will form the backbone of Ageing Better’s new strategic focus. As part of its focus on Age-friendly Homes, Ageing Better will work to ensure everyone can live in age-friendly, accessible, healthy homes in intergenerational communities.

