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A Right Royal Tea Party for Local Care Home Resident

Celebrations have been in full swing at Elm Bank Care Home in Kettering, as Royalty loving resident; Raymond Spruce was joined by close friends whom he had not seen for a while, for a surprise birthday High-Tea in recognition of his 75th birthday on 9th January 2024.

A right royal; red, white and blue reception was held at the home for Raymond who became ‘King for the Day’ as guests gathered to enjoy a Royal themed afternoon tea with centrepiece speciality cake made by the home’s chef Sophie Taylor.

Surprise guests included friends Shirley and Ray who Raymond lived with for many years before coming to Elm Bank, where he is enjoying a new chapter of his life. Amongst the visitors was an extra special a long lost friend; Adrian that Raymond had not seen for several years.

Speaking about the party Raymond said “I had no idea, this is the best surprise, I thought everyone had forgotten, it’s one of the best day’s I’ve ever.”

Marvellous Bindura, General Manager of Barchester Elm Bank added: “We’re delighted to celebrate Raymond’s birthday in such a majestic way. He adores the Royal family and has always had a particular fondness for the late Queen Mother. Raymond loved receiving the book ‘Her Majesty, a Photographic History 1926 –Today’ meaning he can reminisce at any time on her amazing life. We look forward to hearing each of the historical facts he finds.”













