Care HomesHighlightsNews

A Double Birthday “Date To Remember”

Brunelcare resident turns 100-years-old the same day as her beloved carer, 61-years her junior

Lena May Webber was born 9th January 1920, and turns 100-years-old this Thursday. Lena, who resides at Brunelcare’s Saffron Gardens in Whitehall, shares her birthday with someone very special to her, her carer Tanya Heath, who is 61-years her junior.

Lena was born and bred in Bristol eight-years before women received the vote, King George 5th was still reigning and Winston Churchill wouldn’t be called to run the country for another 20-years! WW1 ended just 13-months before Lena was born and the most popular baby names of the year were Mary and John.

Lena has been living at Saffron Gardens under the care of Unit Care Leader, Tanya, for two-years. The couple have been described as ‘partners in crime’ with their relationship being kind, caring and very humorous! Tanya and Lena turn 39 and 100-years-old respectively this week and they’ll both be celebrating in style with a party at the care home.

Tanya said: “I’m looking forward to sharing Lena’s magical day with her, she’s an absolute star and is always making me laugh! It’s amazing to think that Lena was 61-years-old when I was born yet we have such a great relationship. We are looking forward to celebrating our birthdays with the rest of the tenants and carers at Saffron Gardens. It’s great to be part of something more at Brunelcare.”

Lena said: “Tanya’s a real ray of sunshine, she can’t do enough for me. Tanya and the rest of the carers at Brunelcare are stars! I’m looking forward to turning 100 but I really don’t feel it, I feel more like I’m 70 but wish I was still in my 20’s.”

Lena says her secret to a long and happy life is all about staying positive and having a drop of whiskey each evening!







