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Joan Celebrates Her 102nd Birthday At Aria Court In March

The Aria Court family has celebrated the remarkable 102nd birthday of resident, Joan Howe. The home was full of laughter and love as Joan’s family gathered to commemorate this special milestone.

A cake was created in the kitchen of the March home, topped with Joan’s favourite flowers – a tribute to her love for floral arrangements as a vase of fresh flowers is always found in her room since she moved into Aria Court almost six years ago.

Born more than a century ago in 1921, Joan’s journey began in Paddington, London, where she was one of three siblings and the world was a different place. Her long life has seen the first successful TV broadcasts, the Great Depression of 1929 – 1939 followed quickly by World War II, the development of computers, the internet and mobile phones as well as the end of the Cold War

Despite the passage of time, Joan remains a vibrant and independent soul, getting about the home with the help of her walker and joining the Lifestyles team on outings whenever the opportunity arises. She continues to care for her own space, making her bed each day and maintaining her room with the grace that reflects a lifetime of self-sufficiency.

A resident of Aria Court since 2018, Joan had previously enjoyed the comforts of her own home in March. Her charming personality makes her a delight to the caregiving team, with stories and experiences that enchant all who have the privilege of talking to her.

Joan’s preferences are as timeless as her spirit – a sweet tooth that enjoys nothing more than a traditional trifle, and an appreciation for the simple joys of television, Joan can often be found with fellow residents in the TV lounge.













