Care HomesCare ResidentsNewsSocial Care

Residents Travel to France from Comfort of Armchair at Altrincham Home

Residents at an Altrincham home packed their bags and boarded the plane to France from the comfort of their armchairs.

The trip took place at MHA Handsworth, which provides residential care for 43 residents

Boarding passes and passports were prepared with one of the lounges at the home being used to create France.

The lounge was decorated with French flags with French delicacies and non-alcoholic wine also part of the trip.

There was a tour of Paris via the home’s tiny tablet, which was enjoyed by all.

Charlotte Fowke, activity coordinator said: “ This was an idea I used at a different job and was always looking to start here at MHA Handsworth.

“Residents are unable to travel so I wanted to create an exciting activity for them.

“Everyone had a great time, we made sure we had plenty of different French food items for the residents to try which was good.

“For some residents it was a first and for others it was something they hadn’t tried for a while.

“This is something I want to do more often and have already planned to do something for next month.

“The next trip will focus on South Asian Heritage Month and look into the different countries in that part of the world.

“The residents had a great time, it was a very successful trip and I hope the others to follow will be the same.













