
95 Year Old Edna Enjoys Dream Come True Dancing Experience At The Tower Ballroom, Blackpool

Recently Edna Adams, Reginald Wilson, Dolly Foreman and Betty Bennion living at Stocks Hall Ormskirk Home, complete with Betty McLouighlin & Gemma Jacobs – Activities Staff, boarded the minibus for a trip to Blackpool. The trip was inspired from a wish list that staff have been carrying out throughout the Ormskirk Home. Edna Adams, 95 years young, loves to dance and it was her wish to go to the famous The Blackpool Tower Ballroom. The group, driven there by Jimmy, Stocks Hall Mini Bus Driver on Monday 19th June, had a fabulous time together.

Dinning out with lunch in Blackpool was the first port of call, then onto the Ballroom to have a nice refreshing drink inside, before and during their ballroom dancing.

The group enjoyed the occasion so much, when tired with so much dancing, they watched other dancers, enjoying their skills and complimenting how good they were.

Gemma says “We were so glad to make Edna’s wish come true. Edna danced the majority of dances and even caught the attention of another dancer, who asked her to dance. She loved this evening so much, as did the whole of the group. Other dancers came up to us to say how good our party from Stocks Hall were.”

The Blackpool Tower Ballroom is known and celebrated throughout the world for its stunning architecture and fantastic dance floor – making it the perfect place to dance the night away.

Age is no limit…..keep dancing Edna, so glad your wish came true!













