
103-Year-Old Resident Opens Antiques Fair At Care UK Home

103-year-old Bowes House care home resident Alice Shill103-year-old Bowes House care home resident Alice Shill was given the honour of cutting the ribbon and declaring the antiques and collectables fair at the home officially open on Friday 21 August.

Alongside Alice, the team at Bowes House welcomed members of the local community into the home where local antiques expert Peter Kupfermann was on hand to offer free valuations.

Helena Barrow, home manager at Care UK’s Bowes House, said: “Antiques and collectables can hold so many memories and we were incredibly impressed with the treasures people brought along. One visitor brought a selection of old coins, which included a very rare and valuable three penny piece, and another visitor brought a beautiful family music box. It was a really interesting day and we’d like to thank everyone that visited from the local community and made the event such a success.”

An original pottery beer cask was also on display. The cask, which was donated by a member of the local community, was used by Lynn’s Brewery which now forms part of Bowes House, with the original building dating back to 1887.

Bowes House is a state-of-the-art care home which provides full time residential, nursing and dementia care, as well as short term respite care. Designed to enable residents to live enjoyable and fulfilling lives, the home has a cinema and hairdressers, as well as lots of space for relaxation and recreation.













