Window of Opportunity for Health and Social Care Collaboration
Care England, has welcomed the constructive independent review by General Messenger and Dame Pollard on health and social care leadership.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“The publication of the review presents a window of opportunity for greater collaboration between adult social care and the NHS. We hope that this report will signal a new era of cross sector partnership through leadership and a greater parity of recognition, with equal esteem between health and social care sectors. The recommendations must be delivered across both health and social care. The disparity in Government treatment between the NHS and the care sector including funding and workforce training, development and leadership must be redressed to accomplish this.”
The review focuses on the best ways to strengthen leadership and management across health and its key interfaces with adult social care in England. Following extensive stakeholder engagement, the review outlines seven recommendations which have been accepted in full by the Government. A plan committing to the implementation of these recommendations will be published by the Government in due course.
Martin Green continues:
“The report’s recommendations have been issued just as Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) are to be put on a statutory footing. With the transition to ICSs, the need for improved collaboration between NHS and the social care sector has never been greater. This report offers an opportunity for ASC and NHS colleagues to collaborate through training and sharing of experience, it must be stressed that the announcement fails to outline how the recommendations will be implemented across the social care sector. We recognise the difficulties in determining how to deliver workforce and management frameworks to almost 20,000 organisations in England and reiterate that an accompanying long-term plan is required to ensure that the recommendations can be implemented successfully. Care England is eager to learn the details and timeframe of the recommendations’ implementation and would be happy to assist as a partner in its delivery to ensure this process is managed effectively.”