
Warrington Care Home In Bloom For Spring Celebrations

Spring has finally sprung at Westy Hall, the Croftwood Care-run residential home in Warrington, where staff and residents welcomed the start of the new season with an afternoon tea party themed around one of its most familiar motifs – the daffodil.

Staff, residents, family and friends embraced the spirit of spring and attended the daffodil party in yellow dress to complement the home’s daffodil-themed decorations. Partygoers enjoyed an afternoon of high tea on tables adorned with fresh daffodils and homemade cakes decorated in yellow.

During the event, staff and residents had the opportunity to learn more about the humble daffodil, its history as a fundraising symbol and its use as an ingredient in dementia medication.

Local band, the Latchford Music Makers, were also invited to join the party at Westy Hall and spread some springtime cheer with a concert. Onlookers were keen to get involved in the performance, with many on their feet singing and dancing along to the band’s upbeat folk and country numbers.

Katya Lyon, Home Manager at Westy Hall, commented: “We have a varied programme of activities and events at WestyHall, and always try to make sure that there is something for everyone. The daffodil party was a fantastic way to celebrate the arrival of spring. It was brilliant to have so many visitors come and enjoy not only the tea party and the concert, but the lovely weather as well. The party went down very well with our residents, and we look forward to holding similar themedevents in the future.”