Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Join Local Care Home Residents for a Trip Down Memory Lane
Staff and residents at Barchester’s Southgate Beaumont Care Community in Enfield were joined by representatives from the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation for sporting memory sessions and a trip down memory lane to mark 10 years of global dementia awareness.
The Tottenham Hotspur Foundation is a charitable organisation that was set up over a decade ago to support the local community and help change lives. The Foundation has a long established, productive and valued partnership with its local communities to create, deliver and sustain positive change.
General Manager, Beatrice Godfrey, said: “We are very grateful to the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation for all their support. It was lovely to hear residents reminisce about their sporting memories from yesteryear recounting stories from memorable games they have attended to the sports they played themselves.”
Joanna Yeung from the Foundation said “We were delighted to be involved. Each week we cover a new topic. So far we have discussed The Olympics 1946 and also reminisced about school’s sports day. This week we looked at toys from our past, with a special thank you to the Enfield Library who kindly loaned some yester year toys from their exhibition. Southgate Beaumont is such an amazing place, it was so interesting finding out more about its history and we excited to be running other sporting memories workshops in the coming weeks. “
Helen Murphy, resident at Southgate Beaumont “It was great to meet the team from the Tottenham Hotspurs Foundation, we had a lovely afternoon looking at memorabilia, it bought back a lot of childhood memories. The team at Southgate Beaumont always arrange really interesting events, there is always plenty to do.”