Three Reports Providing Official Adult Social Care Statistics Released By NHS Digital Today
NHS Digital has today published three reports which include the latest statistics on the safeguarding and care of vulnerable adults in England.
*NHS Digital must be quoted as the source of these figures
Safeguarding Adults Annual Report, England 2015-16 contains information about safeguarding referrals, which were opened and/or concluded during the reporting period.
This is the first time that such information has been published since local authorities were given new safeguarding duties under the safeguarding adults section of the Care Act 2014.
The report details the number of referrals raised with councils for adults at risk of abuse and breaks them down by gender, location of risk and the results of the investigations.
Also included are the types of alleged abuse, which range from physical, sexual and psychological to financial, neglect, discrimination and institutional.
Also published today is Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF), England – 2015-16, which report on how well care and support services provided by the adult social care system achieve the outcomes that matter most to people involved in delivering high-quality, personalised care and support.
The measures are split into four domains:
- Enhancing quality of life for people with care and support needs
2. Delaying and reducing the need for care and support
3. Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care and support
4. Safeguarding adults whose circumstances make them vulnerable and protecting from avoidable harm
The ASCOF is part of a range of outcomes frameworks (alongside those of public health and the NHS) which is used (both locally and nationally) to set priorities for care and support, and to strengthen transparency and accountability.
Community Care Statistics: Social Services Activity, England 2015-16 is the third report to be published today. It contains information taken from council administrative systems used to record the process of assessing eligibility for state-funded social care and providing services where people are eligible.
The report is based on data which have been taken from the Short and Long Term Services (SALT) collection, which covers short and long term social care and provides information on the primary reason people need support.
The full reports are at:
Safeguarding Adults Annual Report, England 2015-16:
Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England:
Community Care Statistics: Social Services Activity, England 2015-16: