
The Best Residential Care Home In Norfolk

The Beeches care home in East Harling, which is owned and operated by Black Swan Care Group has become the first residential care home in Norfolk to be awarded the coveted ‘Outstanding’ rating by the Care Quality Commission.

The Beeches is a care home for 44 residents that supports people with the early stages of dementia and is managed by Loreta Moss, 45. Loreta started working at The Beeches in 2014 and became manager in August 2016.

Loreta, who cried when she found out about the ‘Outstanding’ rating said “All I try to do is make living at The Beeches a happy experience. To be recognised for how hard the home has worked to achieve this is wonderful and totally unexpected.”

In the report, it was noted that:

“Without exception, the people we spoke with told us that The Beeches provided an extraordinary level of individualised care that enriched people’s lives.”

“People spoke of a service, staff and management team that showed immense kindness and thoughtfulness. This was brought about by a thorough understanding of those that used the service, what was important to them and a commitment to using this knowledge to support people in having an exceptional quality of life.”

The care sector has been going through some turbulence for some time now with recent reports showing that a third of care homes are failing to hit regulatory standards. However, Black Swan who are based in Norfolk, are bucking the trend with all 15 of their care homes currently meeting or exceeding the standards.

Tom Lyons, Managing Director, said “As a company we are focussed on providing the best possible outcomes to our residents. The latest Care Quality Commission report really highlights our ethos, and approach to care. We try to get to know our residents intimately and ensure that the care we provide is personal to them. We cannot do this without employing the right staff and the staff we have are fantastic. I would like to thank each one of them for their hard work and commitment. Loreta and her team at The Beeches really deserve the ‘Outstanding’ report. We hold regular managers meetings and it was only a few months ago that I singled out some of the things Loreta was doing at The Beeches as providing outstanding care. To be the first residential home in Norfolk to achieve this is truly special.’













