
Survey Shows One In Seven Adult Carers Feel They Neglect Their Own Needs

Almost one in seven adult carers who responded to a major national survey feel they neglect their own needs due to their caring duties, according to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).

*HSCIC must be quoted as the source of these figures

*Information is available at Local Authority level

Fifteen per cent of adult carers known to councils gave this response when asked if they get enough sleep or eat well, up from 14 per cent in 2012-13 when the survey last took place.

Almost 57,400 carers out of a sample of 131,100 unpaid carers aged 18 and over in England who care for an adult responded. The survey covers a range of topics including time spent caring, personal safety, social contact and the needs of the individual cared for. The survey took place in Autumn 2014.

The report, Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) showed:

  • The majority, or 83 per cent of carers felt that they were supported or encouraged in their caring role, to a degree. This included 40 per cent who said, “I feel I have encouragement and support” (compared with 43 per cent in 2012-13), and 43 per cent who said “I feel I have some encouragement and support but not enough” (compared to 40 per cent in 2012-13)
  • At the other end of the spectrum, 17 per cent said “I feel I have no encouragement and support”, compared with 16 per cent in 2012-13
  • When asked to consider how carers spend their time, 20 per cent reported that they were able to “spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy”, down from 22 per cent in 2012-13
  • In addition, 15 per cent reported that “I don’t do anything I value or enjoy with my time”, up from 14 per cent in 2012-13. The remaining 65 per cent reported that “I do some of the things I value or enjoy with my time but not enough”, which is unchanged from 2012-13

Responsible statistician for the report, Katharine Robbins said: “This survey helps lift the lid on the lives of the many thousands of people who care for another adult as part of their everyday life. It shows a wide range of experiences of carers known to local authorities.”

The report can be viewed at:










