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Southampton Urgent Response Service Rated Outstanding

CQC-logoSouthampton City Council has announced that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has confirmed the award of an “Outstanding” rating for the Urgent Response Service, which provides Rehab and Reablement services for adults in the city.

The Urgent Response Service is part of an Integrated Rehab and Reablement Team based at Sembal House, co-managed with Solent NHS Trust. This team is one result of the Southampton City Council and Southampton Clinical Commissioning Group working and investing together and is monitored via a Joint Commissioning Board.

The Urgent Response team of 120 support over 140 residents of Southampton at any one time on a short term basis to regain new skills as a result of illness, accident or hospital admission.  The teams remit is to facilitate safe timely discharge from hospital, prevention of admission to hospital and to help prevent residential admission during a crisis by supporting people in their own homes.

The team were inspected by the CQC in July over a period of 2 days, comments on the report included:

“People were placed at the heart of The Urgent Response Service. The registered manager and staff were passionate in their drive to help people regain their skills after illness or injury. There was a conviction and clarity about how these outcomes would be achieved and how obstacles and challenges could be overcome”

“People who use the service had a wide range of needs which required the service to be organised, flexible and quick thinking. Peoples needs changed quickly which required the skill and dedication of staff to ensure that care was adjusted accordingly to meet these changing needs”

Councillor Lorna Fielker, Cabinet member for Adult Care said:

“Southampton City Council have worked closely with Solent NHS trust to pool our resources to deliver an exceptional service to people leaving hospital. The team helps them to maintain or regain their ability and confidence to live at home. People and their relatives have told the inspectors that the staff are compassionate and caring and treated them with dignity and respect. We look forward to continuing to work closely with our colleagues in Solent NHS Trust to deliver good services that are valued by the community.”