skills for care

Skills For Care Announce Their First Fellows

skills_for_careSkills for Care has announced the names of their first Fellows who have all made a significant contribution to the adult social care workforce agenda over the course of their careers.

The new Fellows are: Anita Astle, Owner, Wren Hall, Clenton Farquharson, Clenton Farquharson Training and Consultancy, Peter Hodkinson, Managing Director, Westward Care, Professor Jill Manthorpe, Director, Social care workforce research unit, Kings College

Bill Mumford, CEO, Eden Valley Hospice, Bridget Robb, CEO, British Association of Social Workers, Julia Scott, CEO, College of Occupational Therapists and Melanie Weatherley, CEO, Walnut Care at Home.

The fellows have all agreed to work in partnership with Skills for Care on workforce issues using their expertise and experience to influence and drive improvement in the adult social so that the sector provides high quality, person-centred care and support.

All eight Fellows will act as an Skills for Care ambassador for three years helping them improve and promote the quality of workforce development in social care as well as promoting social care as an equal partner in the development and delivery of integrated services. The Fellows will also support, develop and maintain relationships between Skills for Care and social care experts.

Skills for Care CEO Sharon Allen said: “The idea of the Fellows is that they use their collective decades of high level experience to inform, stimulate and challenge our work developing the skills and knowledge of the growing adult social care workforce.

“We have worked with all of our new Fellows so know they are experts in their fields so everyone at Skills for Care is looking forward to a lively and informed exchange of ideas that can only benefit people who need care and support.”

Fellows will now have the opportunity to use that expertise to shape and promote the work of Skills for Care, be involved in the development of new resources and guidance and contribute to strategic discussions around leadership, learning and development.