Royal Memento Crowns Office Move for Blackwood
Delighted housing and care experts unearthed a royal memento while moving out of the offices which had been their HQ for more than 30 years.
Staff at Blackwood discovered a long-forgotten, signed portrait of the Queen Mother while packing up to leave the building in East Craigs, Edinburgh.
Colleen Robertson, Marketing Manager at Blackwood, said: “It is a beautiful portrait and we were amazed when it was found hidden away and long-forgotten in a storage area.”
“It hasn’t been seen in years and took quite a bit of research and asking around with longer serving members of staff to find out what it was all about. Eventually we discovered that it dates from 1976, when the Queen Mum opened our first ever development, Blackwood Court.”
“We know it was an incredibly proud day for our founder, Dr Margaret Blackwood, because we’ve also found the visitor book from the day, which was signed by the Queen Mum and other dignitaries.”
“The most telling comment is from Margaret Blackwood herself, who simply wrote, ‘Happy day!’. Having one of the most loved members of the Royal Family at the official opening of her first development must have been amazing.”
“We now plan to have the book mounted in a special display case to take pride of place in our new Blackwood headquarters at 160 Dundee Street, Edinburgh.”
“Obviously this was a major episode in Blackwood’s history and it’s fitting that we’ve rediscovered it while we’re involved in another landmark moment for the organisation.”
“There’s no chance these will be disappearing back into storage! Instead we’ll be making sure both the portrait and the visitor book take pride of place in our new offices so that as many people as possible can see them and enjoy them.”