
Response To The Sun Article Criticising Pay

The Sun published an article (Tuesday 14th) criticising the amount of money Alzheimer’s Society spends on staff pay.

Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Society, responded, saying:

‘Charity work requires charity workers. Until there is a cure, people with dementia and their carers depend on the lifeline provided by the care, support and information provided by Alzheimer’s Society’s dedicated staff and volunteers.

‘We employ 2,500 people who work with over 9000 volunteers to run our over 3,000 local services, to train carers, healthcare professionals and the wider public to understand dementia, to campaign on behalf of those who have the disease, to fundraise, to provide much-needed information to people with dementia, their carers and families, and to help support the essential research to improve care and find a cure.

‘To suggest we should not be run in a business-like way says we should be amateur and inefficient. To do so would let down the people that we serve and the people who give us money.

‘Our employees are paid at rates consistent with alternative charity employment to attract the best people – which tends to be below comparable jobs in the public, let alone commercial, sectors.

‘Charities need to come together to tackle the common myths that currently exist in media and public understanding regarding the way charities work and are run.’