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Queens Oak Residents Receive a Card from Her Royal Highness

The people living at Queens Oak Care Home in Peckham recently received a wonderful surprise in the post – a letter from Her Majesty the Queen!

Over the Jubilee bank holiday weekend, Queens Oak Care Home hosted a festive Jubilee themed party along with many other homes in the Excelcare family. They planned a fabulous day, complete with live music, decorations and amazing food and drink, with all of their friends and family invited.

However, the people living at the home thought it would be rude to throw a party in the Queen’s honour and not invite the lovely lady herself, so they sent Her Royal Highness an invite to see if she also wanted to be a part of the festivities.

Although the Queen was not able to attend the event itself, she did send a letter, thanking the home for the invite! The wonderful card is complete with a beautiful picture of the Queen and a note that reads ‘I send you my grateful thanks for your kind message on the occasion of the Seventieth Anniversary of my Accession to the Throne’, signed by ‘Elizabeth R’.

Everyone at Queens Oak was ecstatic to receive this, and the card was excitedly passed around so that everyone could have a good look.

The people living at Queens Oak would like to thank the Queen and her team for her correspondence. It was pleasing to know they were in her thoughts.